Sulphur Springs is a neighborhood located in Tampa, Florida, approximately five miles north of downtown. The Sulphur Springs Action League, notes in its publication, “Bringing a Sparkle Back to the Springs” that a focal point of the area has always been the cool, clear waters of the spring itself. In the 1800s the area attracted visitors to the mineral springs. The Sulphur Springs Water Tower, which was built in 1927, is a community landmark and part of the identity and history of the neighborhood. Today Sulphur Springs is a combination of historic homes mixed with new homes.


Based on the US Census, 2020, a summary of the community demographics are as follows:

Population: approximately 6,263 residents

Ethnicity:  approximately 54% of the residents are African-American, 13% are Caucasian, and 28% are Hispanic  

Education: The schools in the community are very focused on improving education levels. The Florida Department of Education gives a grade to each public school based on certain criteria established by the state.  For the school year 2021-22, the school received a grade of C. In February, 2015 Hillsborough County Public Schools approved converting the Sulphur Springs Elementary School to Sulphur Springs PK-8 Community School beginning in August of 2015. 

Economic Stability: The SSNOP community initiative has provided numerous programs that promote long-term economic stability in the community. The United Way’s Family Resource Center served 113 residents and placed 59 people in jobs in the last year. Housing initiatives are also improving economic stability. Since 2009, Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay has rehabilitated 80 existing homes since 2009. The City of Tampa has completed 11 new homes in the community and recently awarded a grant for 18 new homes. 


The SSNOP boundaries are the same as the Sulphur Springs K-8 Communtiy School. The neighborhood is bounded by Busch Boulevard to north, Nebraska Avenue to the west, the Hillsborough River to the south and a railroad to the east. The neighborhood map below shows the schools and other community centers that are part of the SSNOP.